Online Application

 Certification is the next step in your career as a veterinary technician. We encourage all technicians who have graduated from an accredited program to obtain their certification with their state associations or governing body. Currently, in the state of Florida certification is optional. The FVTA is recognized by the AAVSB as a credentialing body for veterinary technicians in the state of Florida.  Certification with the FVTA is on a 2-year cycle. The FVTA requires 15 RACE approved CE credits every 2 years for certification renewal.

New Graduate Certification 
A new graduate is defined as having successfully completed the Veterinary Technician National Exam within a year of their graduation.  

Certification Renewal 2024-2025
Currently, a FVTA certified CVT is in good standing and wishes to renew for 2024-2025 cycle with membership included.  Available prior to 
1st, 2024.

Certification (late renewal 2024-2025)

Late renewal is defined as someone who is already certified through the FVTA however, their current 2-year cycle has not been renewed during the grace period until February 1, 2024. You must be able to show proof of at least 15 RACE approved CE credits taken during this 2-year cycle. Renew here if renewing after February 1st, 2024.

Student Membership

FVTA student membership is free during your time as a student. This membership level can be upgraded to Certification Membership for free upon proof of graduuation and a passing VTNE score.

New Certification for the State of Florida
This application is for the technician that is currently credentialed through another state or agency and wishes to become credentialed in Florida through the FVTA. Proof of current credential(s), VTNE scores, and full transcripts from an AVMA accredited veterinary technology program must be submitted for this application to be processed. Documents may be emailed to