Please choose one selection below:
Certification Renewal is due by Feb 29.
Late Fees are applied starting Mar 1.
Membership Descriptions:
□ Active Membership $35.00
Annual fee for technicians certified, licensed, or registered by other agencies. This category is for technicians that are certified/ registered/licensed in through another organization or are certified in other states and want to be kept informed about veterinary technician news in the state of Florida. Membership is for 1 year.
□ Amnesty Renewal $200.00
Offered to veterinary technicians whose certification may have lapsed. Requirements include: complete CE form for each certification cycle missed (each cycle requires 15 CEs). Complete application must include CE form as applicable to be processed. Payment of $200 is required. Membership is for life time.
□ Associate Member $30.00
Annual fee for all other veterinary team members. This category is for the veterinary team personnel (veterinarian, receptionist, kennel, technician assistant, etc.) or any other veterinary related organization which wants to stay informed regarding technician news in the state of Florida. Membership is for 1 year
□ Certification $75.00
For those interested in Certification through the FVTA. Certification including Membership is $75.00 and is good for a two-year period. Membership is for life time.
□ New Graduate Certification (no charge)
Graduated from an AVMA accredited school and passed the VTNE within 6 months of your graduation date. Free for the first two year certification/membership only. Membership is for life time.
□ Student Member (no charge)
Offered to students of AVMA accredited veterinary technology programs.